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About us

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The Association of Romanian hatmakers and milliners is the first and only association for hatmakers and milliners in Romania. This association is about hats, traditions, and love of beauty. What unites us, all hatters & milliners, is a strong passion for this wonderful art.


Our main objectives are to value, preserve and support all hatmakers & milliners in Romania: both modern and traditional. The association will create and support the platform to accomplish this.

We plan to organize competitions, workshops, and other types of events, which have not been organized before in Romania. In fact on our inauguration day i.e., the 9th of December 2023, we organised the first of its kind event called ‘Simfonia Pălăriilor’ / ‘Symphony of hats’. This was very well received by all hatmakers, milliners, ambassadors of the associations, celebrities and members of the press and public; luckily this is planned to be an annual event.


Our members will have access to all the resources and benefits offered by the association, such as discounts on various courses and events organized by the association, listed on Romanian hatmakers and milliners directory, they can access a list of suppliers worldwide, they will have immediate access to the latest news in this industry, and they will have access to a list of national and international events and of course they will be included in a group where they can relate to other hatters from Romania, ask for advice, help, communicate different news and why not, make new friends.

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